Ultrasonic Assessment Method
Ultrasonic Assessment System is a patented technique which incorporates
diagnostic ultrasound to image wounds. Invented by Dr. M. Wendelken
and Charles Pope, the method provides for non-invasive imaging of all wounds
including cavernous and non-cavernous, acute, chronic, and post-operative.
The technique
promoted and discussed herein is FDA approved provided that one utilizes FDA
approved scanners, and disposable materials. Using disposable
materials or scanners which are not FDA approved constitutes an OFF LABEL
USE which have some obvious legal implications. Patients
and especially diabetics patients with wounds are high risk in nature,
therefore it is advised that physicians should minimize all legal risks by
using FDA approved materials and methods.
Visit Wounds Journal and read
about the Wound-Mapping® Ultrasonic
Assessment Method. (Feature Article Published Dec. 2003)
the ability to image wounds non-invasively
and discovering what is happening below the wound surface. The process
occurs live and in real time. You now may diagnose and change a treatment regimen during an office visit
which will result in decreased patient morbidity.
Above right : a
picture of a pressure ulcer.
Below right:
the Wound-Mapping®
image of this same wound below the
Link for MORE Information

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